THE POSTERS PROMOTING Blush, scattered around MTR stations and advertised on billboards are unabashedly deceptive of what one can expect from Wim Vandekeybus’ dance troupe. A portrait of a nude couple, entwined underwater and aglow like paintings from an erstwhile era says little of the show. There isn’t a hint of the fusion of theatrical extremes that the director/choreographer/dancer/photographer’s presenting. Vandekeybus’ production, Blush, seems like a reflection of his copious CV, it’s a dance poetry-film dramatisation that’s a hybrid of his interest and passions.
“For me, it’s very natural to mix and match all these different art forms," he says. “It’s more artificial to show just a dance, just a film, just one thing. That’s too rehearsed, contrived and set in its form. If you can do all this and inhabit one body, then it is the same in a show where you can see poetry being read, a drama, a dance, a film all together. They are all different ways of expressing and of expressions.”
Trying to describe the show and the osmosis of various art forms is difficult. A woman takes centre-stage and in a passion-filled voice almost sings out verses in French while actors and dancers crop up behind her, unexpectedly jack-knifing mid-air, yelping out noises like bullets in the wind. The woman seems not to notice the movements behind her, not even when a man, with a live frog, appears and holds up the amphibian by its leg over her face. Then the mood and scene change.
“On stage I’m exploring the beauty and the ugliness of people, their actions, especially between men and women,” the choreographer says. “But what I find beautiful, you might not. There’s something very attractive or perhaps intriguing about something that’s particularly ugly. There’s also ugliness in something of extreme beauty.”

His previous production, In Spite of Wishing and Wanting, had an all-male cast exploring the dreams and desires of men through interpretive dance. The follow-up, Scratching The Inner Fields, was performed by women only. “I don’t think you can explore the ambiguous relationship between men and women without having them together. Here, there are dancers and actors performing together from Russia, France, Vietnam and other places and trained dancers with actors who are not used to expressing themselves in such a physical way. It’s created an interesting energy.”
Indeed, a restless energy permeates the antics on stage. There’s never a dull moment as at any given time a group of actors or dancers inhabit separate sections of the stage. If one is in frantic motion with music, the other is silent and slow. At other parts, there’s a barrage of activity from all points of the stage. Some dancers dive into the large white screens that wall the stage and suddenly appear in the film that immediately begins where their stage performance seemingly ends. “The act doesn’t end, it continues in motion in the screen. I see myself as a story-teller who in as many ways as possible tries to lift the narrative, to showcase the changes of the personalities of people performing. I want to bring that to the stage. I’ve always wanted to incorporate my interest in cinema and photography on the stage in a different manner. It’s a mixture and melee of a lot of movies.”

As with any art form, particularly in an interpretative dance drama such as this, how the audience feels and understands what it sees is subjective. The press in Europe has dished out mixed reviews about his work, calling it a “spectacle” and nothing more, while others appreciated “the remarkable truth of [Vandekeybus’] piece is caught in the gaps between words, in the rich and finely tuned mix of movement, music and silence”.
The director is wide open to reactions, be they good or bad. “Blush is supposed to provoke you,” he says. “There is so much happening in the two-hour show that you don’t have time to react during it, but afterwards. As this is the premier in Asia, in Hong Kong, I’m really interested in looking at the audience, their reaction, what they have to say and come back to me with. Since it was first staged in Belgium a year ago, Blush has been performed 50 times across Europe and with every place, it’s a different reaction.”
Flitting about stage there is one dancer who appears as God intended. “In Europe, nudity is not a big deal. My intention certainly is not to shock with the nudity because my audience no longer gets shocked by it. In Asia, I am sensitive to the audience and what is considered a norm there, so I think I will change part of the performance. The nudity is not integral to the production. It’s not for shock value so I might change it. There have been slight variations to performances made as its staged in different countries, nothing is set in stone.”
Blush, Kwai Tsing Theatre.
A post-performance Meet the Artist session with the director and choreographer will be held after the show.
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