Who started it? Former magazine editor and Hongkonger Awon Golding (left, wearing her award-winning diamond-shaped hat). After a stint at the London College of Fashion, Golding worked for couture milliner Edwina Ibbotson and followed that up with a millinery course at Kensington Chelsea College, where she was pushed to enter international competitions and, in 2010, was named Hatmaker of the Year by the Worshipful Company of Feltmakers of London.
Why we love it: although horse racing is big in Hong Kong, the choice of headwear seen at Happy Valley and Sha Tin cannot hold a candle to that worn at Britain's Ascot or Australia's Melbourne Cup, where Golding's hats add just the right accent and lift to an outfit. Her flights of the imagination have led to, well, feathers - a notable motif in her latest collection.
What we'd pick: for a touch of Parisian chic, the Bonjour Boater (bottom right; HK$4,680), the flora of Jersey Cream Silk Flowers (centre right; HK$2,980) and the flattering feathers of the Cerulean Coolie (top right; HK$7,800).
Where can you get it? Awon Golding Millinery is available at Hatwoman, Man Yee Arcade, 68 Des Voeux Road, Central, tel: 2167 8337, www.hatwoman.hk. For one-off pieces and be-spoke commissions, visit www.awongolding.com.
Caption: Pictures by Jeff Hahn
February 26, 2012
Byline: P. Ramakrishnan
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