Monday, 25 July 2016

When My Snapchat clips are of the cat and Randoms Ask...

...I mean yeah, but my cat's prettier. And funnier.

Yeah. So Deal With It.

When you get invited to the beach...

...but your body isn't swimsuit ready. And never has been. Since the pre-natal days I mean.

50 Shades...

There are so many kinds of 'shade'... Will let the divine Aishwarya Rai exemplify it.

Light Shade...
Heavy Shade.

Monday, 18 July 2016

When Someone Insults Me...

...or talks behind my back or casts aspersions (and basically calls me a kitten killer that eats innocent babies while trampling on wounded soldiers...)... I'm like... Meh.

...but when the bestie says something mildly prickly...

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Test Shoot with Lim Tse Wei and Linda Markova

From a while back, Linda, Alex and I hit the streets of Hong Kong. And we got some decent snaps out of the day.... And then we saw it on and lost our mind! whoaaa

On location, every tourist kept snapping away - the talents were completely unperturbed. I was... looking for shade. Good lord it was a hot day.

Images by Lim Tse Wei - 林子伟,
Model: Linda M

Friday, 15 July 2016

Prestige HK's annual 40 under 40: Photographer Olivier Yoan

We split the list among the writers in the office, and it was such a great pleasure to write about Oli'! In fact I loved writing about the batch of youngsters (and mildly resentful as I go bitterly into my middle age) who are, in their own ways, shaping, changing, improving Hong Kong in their unique style and putting their stamp on the 852.

Out in the July issue NOW, see who made the cut of 40 under 40!

The entire list will be online next week (with pics!), but until then.... here's a snippet:

Olivier Yoan 

The French former model turned fashion photographer’s pictures transcend into the realms of fine art; there are some pictorials that unfold like contemporary oil paintings captured on camera, Yoan’s affinity for nature being his signature brushstroke. With campaigns (Calvin Klein, Mr. Porter, Marc Antoine Barrois, Kasane) and editorials (every leading title across Asia from Esquire, Elle, to cover shoots for Lifestyle, My Place and celebrity portraits for Prestige) galore, the self-taught intrepid artist is hopscotching Europe as we type these words, expanding his already formidable portfolio. If his directed and edited short video clips online are any indication, we foresee a movie (framed and lit perfectly) in the near-future.

UPDATE: As with any list, there are a handful who were not thrilled that they were not included. There is only one reason Olivier Yoan was chosen--our stars, society and celebrities deemed it so. In conversation with Christina Ko, the last formidable editor of Prestige Hong Kong, she pointed out, whenever we had a slightly reluctant and failure to commit celeb or socialite, we'd dangle the work of Olivier Yoan as a carrot at the end of a stick. They'd love his work and come running to set, location and agree/and/or listen to his every instruction. No other photographer's work (at the time) had such a drawing power. And no one else since... 

Friday, 8 July 2016

Spot the Celeb with Adrian Cheng: Hong Kong's famed Entrepreneur hits the town/ Hollywood/ the World!

And now for a round of spot the celeb, Adrian Cheng, a "cultural-ista" (as opposed to the fashionistas that litter the city) has been mingling with a bevvy of stars this past year and apparently espousing notes on art, fashion, jewellery (hello Chow Tai Fook!), China, luxury, music, politics and much, much more.

Attending as many events as I do for the column, its been easy to find the always affable and quotable Cheng. Scion of one of Hong Kong's wealthiest families, executive vice-chairman of New World Development, founder of K11 mall and K11Art Foundation, prominent art collector,  plus a director of 56 local companies - how man finds time to breath is a bit beyond me!  Where he goes (security!) and papz follow.

At the Kent & Curwen 90th Anniversary, there he was David Beckham, chatting up a storm and posing for the ever-present flashbulbs (with a sparkling Sabrina Fung who looked smashing in person that night).
David Beckham, Sabrina Fung, Adrian Cheng

Not long ago, he was with Becks' ever-fashionable Missus, Victoria. The one-who-shall-not-smile struck up a convo with our resident art collector/purveyor at amFar earlier this year.

...with Victoria - forever Posh Spice - Beckham

During my first few days doing the Society pages, he was at the Dior Homme bash with the designer Kris Van Assche himself.

Cheng and van Assche!

And now, yet another update. As the definitive, young, modern entrepreneur he has perfected the 'art' of business and finance with a healthy dose of culture, style and semblance of wanting to do better in the world. 

Invited to attend the annual charity gala held by the Naked Heart Foundation (founded by  supermodel hyphen philanthropist Natalia Vodianova), at Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris, Cheng was at a charity dinner where the theme of the night was “The Art of Giving”. Many VIPs from around the world were seated at the event, while 15 guests were invited to donate one of their art collections for fund-raising. 

The only Asian philanthropist to pony up among the near-dozen, Cheng donated a painting by Zhang Enli, the iconic Shanghai artist.

Natalia Vodianova and Adrian Cheng

At the event, American socialite cum reality TV star Paris Hilton attended (who has met Adrian several times around the world at various events), notorious rapper and enfant terrible of the music industry Kanye West, fashion designer Alexandre de Betak and fashion consultant Sofia Sanchez de Betak. All struck a pose and conversation with AC.