Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Play List: James Wong

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Quick Q&A with Hong Kong TV actor James Wong. Funny kid - with an amazing following on instagram.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Celebrity Style: Interview with Hong Kong's Designer to the Stars Barney Cheng

My chat with Hong Kong designer Barney Cheng out in latest issue of Galaxy magazine. 
Pics by William Dunkley.

Galaxy 2015

Thrilled that the latest issue of Galaxy magazine has received such a great response. Great to be back at work and get the positive feedback!

Kudos to the incredible team, led by photographer Olivier Yoan (who, after Olaf Mueller, has shot more covers for the mag than any other).

Karen Yiu, the magical make-up artist, did the looks yet again. As the archives will show, we've done maximum number of shoots together. Seifert Cheung tagged along to do hair. Bhisan Rai styled [i.e. did wardrobe and accessories] for the mag once again.  

Tasha Ling oversaw the entire shoot and I usually don't head to location if she's there, as I know its in safe, well-manicured hands. But I did tag along for this one as I got a chance to spend the day with gorgeous Rosemary Vdb!

Iconic Hong Kong model Rosemary Vandenbrouke was a dream to work with [our third shoot over the past decade] - and its been a dream of mine for aaaages to get that girl on the cover. And she rocked it out!

As a fellow model pointed out [think it was Mia...], if you're going to be shot with Rosemary, you've got to step it up as she'll take over the picture. In an image, you'll remember her and no one else... so it was a tall task for co-model Andy Cheung [at Lotus models] to pose and preen with Rosey-posey!

I love this shoot. Do I say that after every shoot? Er... maybe! But I 'seriously' love this shoot!!